
Interessante Munich. But you are loosing an opportunity

Four days in Munich have been really relaxing. Rambling around for museums, beers and parks.
Munich is a lovely city, unfortunately it seems that they are not very interested in tourists or not german-speaking people in general.

It was quite disappointing to discover it in the Deutsche Museum. In the area dedicated to Chemistry the only word I could understand was "interessante"... interesting, isn't it?

And the same at the zoo: Tierpark. Everything was written just in german.

I'm not a real great reader of museums explanations... but in the science museum you loose half of the visit if you can't understand what experiments and tools deal about.

I'm sorry, Munich but I have to say that the most "understandable" museum I visited has been the BMW museum at the olympic park... A lot of "hands on" exhibitions and everything was translated in English.

A great brand-experience delivered by a car company: I think someone in Munich should do something... for science's sake!

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