
BrandZ 2009 Top 100 Ranking Report

BrandZ, the most in-depth and actionable study of brands ever undertaken, helps you maximise the rate of return on your brand investments.

Downloadable here

The site contains the published, extensive results of over 650,000 people who were quizzed across thirty-one countries, comparing over 23,000 brands. The information gathered paints a portrait of how brands perform financially, how they are perceived by the public, which category of brand they correspond to and furthermore what their potential for growth is.


Just a thought about loyalty

As to mobile operators...
is it better selling more services to your customers,
or selling them sevices that make them earn more?

Circuitry Snack

A sweet way to learn about circuitry... and definitely the best way to think about recycle.
Why don't we eat our trash?

Here the post from evil mad scientist.

Yesterday I saw an automatic vending machine selling cigarettes, coke, beer, chewing gum, and condoms...
Hybrid, fusion, mash up... great times these days.


Current bank

I would like we had more of these commercials. They avoid the ideal reality (that's great for those brand which want to be perceived as transparent and honest), and show us some real side of life. It's a little bit weird... like hearing people speaking with a strong regional accent on the TV... but it's damn real.


Relax brands: bloggers don't bite

"Bloggers often—say a few million times a day—post their opinions. But according to CARMA International, those opinions are positive more often than negative.

CARMA found that 41.4% of all blog coverage of select national retailers was positive. Nearly 31% was neutral and only 27.8% was negative"

Here the entire article

Price: that's memorable

Adwatch is Marketing's exclusive weekly survey that asks 1000 adults which recent TV ads they recall seeing

First three commercials have price at their core:

1. Asda 64% Fallon
2. Aldi 53% McCann Erickson Manchester
3. B&Q 53% Rapier
