
The world map of social networks

Wonderful map about social media diffusion. As many readers write in the comments, colours are a little bit confusing,but the map is worthe seeing.

Here is the list: bebo, blogger, cyworld, facebook, friendster, hi5, livejournal, myspace, orkut, skyblog, studiverzei chnis.

In Italy MySpace is the winner (Modugno would be happy. remember? Volare... ohhh ohhh)

read more | digg story

Thanks to: Valleymag
Via: Jeremiah Owyang


Twitterment and emotional geography

Another interesting tool to track Twitter conversations: Twitterment (beta version)

It seems that we speak (or/and feel?) happyer during the morning and the light hours
while we tend to be sadder in the night hours
Does that make sense? (Every time I read data I'm always afraid to forget something really important!)
However, it could be interseting to have the same statistics ordered by countries: and set up an emotional geography!
A new exciting promise for the tourism industry!

Any doubt about the week end?



Thanks to TweetVolume
is possible to measure the Twitter buzz.

I like Twitter because is a positive place.
(up here the results for Happy, Sad, Good and Bad)


Smile power

If you go here, you'll see some pictures extracted from the book "Hungry Planet".
Many different families from all aorund the world who show their food, suggest their recipe, and reveal their weekly expenditure for food.

What impressed me is the Tingo family (Ecuador) fort three evidences:
- their smiles
- their poor conditions
- their simple food
Can a smile be so undermining?

via: Time
Thanks to: Matthias


Going to Ireland

At last!
I decided to spend my holidays in Ireland, this summer.
I'lll join a volunteering program.
I was looking for something unusual and I realized that my choice could be, at the same time, something useful (I'm a little bit bothered by seaside, cocktails, music, smiles...)
Needed something more true.. hope to enjoy my choice!


Rising Newspapers sales and revenues

It was a little bit surprising to read this about rising newspapers sales.
At first I thought it was mainly duded to developing countries but...
it is actually not.

"Asia, Europe, Africa, South America all notched increases in sales, in contrast with a decline in North America"

Sometimes emphasis on whats new risks to hide reality

via Warc